Saturday, April 8, 2023


the third one, prompted by a commercial I heard involving beet pill supplements and the high nutritional value of beets. 

The automatic thought process was why would I buy a pill when I can grow my own beets?  Next thought was, then why haven't you grown any beets these past years?  Decision made, put beet seeds on a shopping list.

Beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals but low in calories and fat.  They also contain folate, manganese and copper which are considered nutrients.  Beets contain a high concentration of nitrates which helps to lower blood pressure.  Beets are also a good source of fiber which benefits digestive health and helps reduce the risk of some chronic health conditions.

Consider the Central Oregon gardening benefits.  Beets like a cool climate.  Beet seed can germinate at a soil temperature of 45-50 degrees F.  Beets are a natural for successive plantings every two to three weeks.  During the growing season a few young tender green tops can be cut and used in salads.  At harvest, the green tops can be carefully washed, wrapped and refrigerated to be used in a vegetable sauté or frozen for soup.  Beet varieties vary in maturity dates between 50 to 70 days.  A bit of a downside is that the soil should be consistently moist; beets are likely to develop scab and other problems in soil that dries out.  (Raised brown spots on harvested beets indicate scab).   That is another good reason to mulch our crops.

Sometimes we think we know more than we really know, and in this case, I decided to investigate my seed starting books to confirm what I thought I knew.  There are always eye openers.

'Grow Vegetables' authored by Alan Buckingham & Jo Whittingham writes seeds can be started

indoors, 'Starting Seeds Indoors' by Ann Reilly lists beets under the Seedlings That Resent Transplanting chapter.  The challenge is there so I plan on trying both methods.

Two recommendations were to soak the seeds, but the duration of the soak differed.  One was a half hour; the other source was for up to 24 hours.  I should try both.

As with thinning carrots, the same process applies. Do not pull out the seedling but rather cut it off at the soil level.  Pulling out is apt to disrupt the roots system of the seedlings next to it.

I love roasted beets but couldn't resist the temptation of checking out other methods of enjoying them.  What I found was a far cry from what I grew up with in Wisconsin, the iconic jar of pickled beets during the winter, or the roasted beets that often grace my table.    More tests may be in the future following some of the culinary treasures I found.

Beet Almond Dip is a combination of beets, blanched almonds, lemon juice, olive oil and ground ginger.

Quinoa Salad with Roasted Beets, Goat Cheese & Orange

Roasted Beet Pesto is a blend of walnut, beets, garlic and parmesan cheese.  The blend is perfect for pasta or spread cold on fresh bread.

Then there are Beet Brownies for dessert--

Plant beets and enjoy a new culinary adventure.

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